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Monday 20 May 2013

Tired Of Being Called Crater Face?

Fighting pimples have almost become second nature to me. Since puberty, I have been desperately looking for ways on how to get rid of pimples and acne. My day always started out with me feeling frustrated after looking at my reflection at the mirror.

Since then, it has been my life-long mission to find the cure to my skin problem. So how did get rid of pimples?

Holistic Approach

Have you ever heard of the holistic approach to curing illnesses? It involves healing not only the body but also the mind and the spirit. Holistic approach is perhaps one of the most effective ways in warding off acne or pimples simply because pimples tend to appear due to chronic stress or hormonal imbalance.

We all have to recognize the fact that acne is more than just a skin problem. Your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual state might also have something to do with how bad your skin looks.

To start off, I would suggest putting a bright smile on your face the minute you face the mirror in the morning. Breathe in and out deeply and focus your mind on more positive things. Don’t keep on fretting over your pimples because they will only frustrate you even more. This will only lead to more stress and will eventually cause the growth of more pimples.

Go Natural

I absolutely abhor going to the dermatologist for a facial. The last time I went, I had to endure an hour of torture. All those pricking and removing of pimple pus only stressed out my skin even more. I came home with my skin feeling and looking more harassed.

From then on, I vowed never to go for a facial again. Instead, I tried some home-made facial masks that helped soothe my inflamed skin and speed up the healing process of my pimples.

I particularly like the lemon juice/calamansi juice technique. To this date, this is what helped me control and get rid of pimples the most. Just clean your face and religiously massage the juice on your face. Make sure your skin will absorb it. It will sting for a bit so you should have a fan nearby.

Leave it there for at least 30 minutes. Not only will this help dry those pimples up in no time, it will also help prevent the appearance of more bumps and will help reduce the scars that they will leave behind.

You can jazz up this anti-pimple treatment with the help of Turmeric. Just add one teaspoon of Turmeric powder to a quarter cup of lemon juice. Turmeric has natural healing properties. It also works in repairing damaged skin.

Detoxifying My Body

I was also aware of the fact that I am not the healthiest person on earth. I eat junk food like there’s no tomorrow. I’m not really surprised that pimples sprout on my face because I have absolutely zero discipline where junk food is concerned.

But to deflect the effects of gorging on junk food, I make it a habit to cleanse my body. I found chayote cleansing treatment really effective not only in clearing up and getting rid of pimples but also in losing weight.

Just pour 9 cups of hot water over 3 chayote pieces. Let it sit there for at about 15 minutes so the hot water can draw out the nutrients of the chayote. Separate the water and add flavorings. You can add tea or juice. Drink half a glass of this concoction every 3 hours.

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