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Monday 20 May 2013

Acne is a word that every teenager hates

Almost all of us experience pimple breakouts during puberty. What is worse is that a vast majority of people continue to experience breakouts even in adulthood. Pimples look unsightly on your face and can affect your self confidence too.

However, it is not a problem that cannot be treated or cured. With better skin care, a good diet and a healthy lifestyle you can get rid of acne and also prevent future breakouts.

Easy Ways to Cure Acne

1. Diet

Your diet bears a deep influence over your overall health, well being and looks. You are what you eat. If you eat junk food, you body is going to stock up junk!

Foods that are rich in sugar can result in a spike in your Insulin levels. It is known that Insulin can aggravate acne. Hence, you must avoid such foods. Similarly, foods that are greasy or oily can result in excess oil secretion from the skin pores. This can result in clogging and provide ground for bacteria to thrive resulting in breakouts and zits. Hence, you must avoid such foods too.

Drinking plenty of water is great for your body and skin too. It helps keep your skin supple and also flushes out toxins from your system. Another benefit is that it can help calm down inflammation.

2. Antioxidants

Not many experts will tell you this, but having fruits that are rich in antioxidants can be a great help in curing acne. Antioxidants help reduce toxic build up in your body. This is important since these toxins can lead to flare ups and increase inflammation which can worsen acne.

Thus, it is a great idea to have a bowl of strawberries every day. Green tea is also rich in antioxidants and has been used as a health drink for hundreds of years.

3. Stop Picking Pimples

I am sure you have heard this before. Picking pimples can send infection deeper into the hair follicle and aggravate acne. Though you might find it hard to resist, keep your hands off your face.

4. Avoid Late Nights

Though it is exciting for most teenagers and young adults to party at night., lack of sleep is not something that is going to help you cure acne. Sleep deprivation tends to build stress and increase Cortisol production in your body. Cortisol is known to aggravate acne. Thus, you must try to hit the sack early and get enough beauty sleep.

5. Try a Proven Acne Treatment

Though there are many home remedies their results vary from person to person. In such a case, it is better to opt for a clinically proven product that has a good reputation in the market too.

Some of the best acne products offer complete treatment including a face/body wash, facial/body cream and a herbal supplement to cure pimples and also prevent future breakouts.

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