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Friday 17 May 2013

Preventing pimples

There is no way of knowing whether pimple prevention is necessary until the dreaded pimples actually crop up and refuse to go away on their own. However, it is a safe bet that most teenagers and a high number of adults are going to have pimples at some point and to some degree.

If the problem has been traditionally acute in previous family generations, you can count on having it, too. If the problem looms on the horizon and appears as a genetically encoded time bomb, some preventive measures are definitely in order before the pimples develop. And if pimples have ever plagued you in the past, they might come back in the future, too.

The most basic form of pimple prevention is hygiene and prophylactic (preventive) skin care. Regular washing of endangered or affected areas with mild soap is a must. Such soap need not necessarily contain any chemicals designed to prevent pimples ? the only watchword is scrupulous hygiene. However, face washing should not be overdone or the skin will become dehydrated and the problem will be exacerbated.

Pimple-prone skin should be kept free of heavy makeup, especially the kind that has a heavy fatty content. Theatrical makeup of any kind and for any reason should be strictly avoided, as should the water-resistant kind. Go for hypoallergenic grades of makeup ? these may not have as spectacular a cosmetic effect, but they are definitely friendlier on pimple-prone skin.

If you are on any kind of antidepressant or antipsychotic medications, check with both your psychiatrist and dermatologist about the possibility of skin changes. Women on birth control pills may want to consider alternative methods of contraception if recurrent pimple infestation is a problem for them. This change should be initiated in consultation with a qualified gynecologist.

There is direct evidence linking fatty foods with the occurrence of pimples; and avoiding these foods on general principle can?t be anything but an excellent idea.

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