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Saturday 23 March 2013

Chicken in Tropical Fruit Sauce

I found this recipe many years ago and adapted it to what we had on had and honestly, what I could find fairly cheaply. Every single person I have served it to loves it, and I do too! Add different fruits if you wish, just make sure you add softer fruits at the end and just heat through to avoid a broken up mess. Bananas should be just yellow so that they are sweet but hold their shape. The applesauce is supposed to be the chunky type, but I haven't been able to find that in the market in years, so use your own or just use the regular as listed. Boneless chicken thighs taste good here too, no need to use the more expensive boneless breasts. Mangos are good in here too, and any sort of berry is good. Frozen even works, but they are more fragile, so you have to be more careful about how you add them. -- posted by Jennifer Michele

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